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Better self-management, more success

Stress, the scourge of our times, affects not only the mind but also the body.

It gradually nibbles away at our energy and motivation, and can even lead to total exhaustion - burn-out. But just imagine for a moment: what if you could take back control, transforming your stress into a lever for success?

Man free sunset

Better self-management, more success 


Today, stress is increasingly the trigger for serious illness, not only of the mind but also of the body, and in the medium and long term leads to a reduction in one's own performance and resilience, and can lead to burn-out.

The aim of this seminar is to show you how to understand and recognise your personal stress factors and how to manage them more effectively. Thanks to the theoretical and practical knowledge acquired, you will be able to manage stress more consciously and counteract it by becoming more resilient. As a result, participants will be able to manage their challenges more effectively and avoid burn-out or an unfavourable state that prevents them from performing.


A seminar that ideally takes place over two days, 10 to 14 days apart. Between these two days, participants are given tasks to complete that serve as a basis for reflection and self-observation. The results are included on the second day and can be used for discussion within the group. In addition, there is the possibility of individual coaching during this period to work on personal issues or individual challenges in order to find individual and sustainable solutions.

Individual responsibility

  • What is my responsibility towards myself in terms of stress?

Personal resources / Values work

  • Drawing up a list of my values in order of importance in the professional context, for better understanding and awareness, enabling more effective conflict resolution and communication.

Personal stress triggers

  • Elaboration of individual stress triggers in order to be able to deal with these factors effectively and preventively.

Theory of stress

  • What is stress and its psychological and physiological impact?

Stress management

  • Learning methods for stress reduction in theory and practice


  • Knowing and applying the basics of communication psychology. By reinforcing the social competence of communication. Communication becomes authentic, flexible and therefore more effective.

Impact of communication

  • How can the effect of communication be used in a targeted way? Participants learn to react more consciously in stressful situations and to manage them better.

Identity & Role

  • Awareness and understanding of individual behaviour under stress and the implementation of concrete measures for the future.


  • Participants receive tasks for self-training and reflection at home for the period between the 2 days. These tasks serve to consolidate what has been learnt and thus enable new conclusions to be drawn.

1:1 coaching

  • A 90-minute individual coaching session to work confidentially on individual aspects of stress management and achieving lasting change. (Coaching can be done in-house, if desired).

Presentation, individual and group work, exercises, role play, feedback (video camera and video feedback on request)

Number of participants
Maximum 12 participants

a) 2 x 1 day with a 10-14 day gap and individual coaching between the 2 days
b) 2 consecutive days and optional coaching afterwards

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